My Mate Could Talk for England
What do evil villains and school-boy bullies have in common? They all have a reason to get even with Freddy Armstrong. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold. Well, these bullies and these evil villains have had plenty of time to think about how they’re going to settle the score with Freddy…
My Mate Could Talk for England (My Voluble Companion) is a humorous adventure story, which features bullying, kidnapping and some evil villains who are hell-bent on a murderous quest.
Warning: this book contains some extreme humour.
Read with caution. If you are 65 or under, you should be OK. However, if you are over 65, or if you have a heart condition, you should only read this book under medical supervision!
The book is aimed at young readers of secondary school age.
The text includes a glossary. This aims to provide a bridge to adult vocabulary for young readers.
Digital ISBN: 978-1-9163290-0-3
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-9163290-1-0

The storyline in this book follows on from the end of the first book in this series: My Mate’s as ‘Ard as Nails (My Obdurate Companion).
However, it is not necessary to have read the first book in the series before reading this book – the essential backstory from the earlier novel is woven into My Mate Could Talk for England (My Voluble Companion).